Hi, I'mMax Jackson

I'm an artist and developer in Boston.

Current AI Art collections

Synthetic Anons

Disposable onchain identities. This series uses midjourney v1 thru v5.1 using text and images sources and was created over the course of a year. In an online society where anonymity is celebrated, how can you know who to trust? And when those identities can be bought and sold, who will you pay to become?

Ethereal Realms

In my first foray into pure a text-to-image AI-art as NFTs, Ethereal Realms asks the question: Will you enter this uncanny synthetic world? Will you enter these gates and try your own hand at it?

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Recent casts

on the Farcaster network

Farcaster Arches Tee

Shimmering dark grey or purple ink on black heavyweight cotton shirt

Limited supply - 12 per size available

Step two. Delivered last night to active /muse subscribers

Step two. Delivered last night to active /muse subscribers


This sale goes live very soon. Only a dozen of each size will be available in this first run.

If you definitely 100% want to get it, turn notifications on to be the first to click that buy button.

This artwork is a 1/1 NFT.
It can be yours by burning 8 Muse Editions.

I've updated pricing on the sudoswap pools for Muse Editions.
Adjusted for todays degen prices.

This artwork is a 1/1 NFT.
It can be yours by burning 8 Muse Editions.

I've updated pricing on the sudoswap pools for Muse Editions. 
Adjusted for todays degen prices.

Reinterpretation I
Muse Editions #20
Airdropped to 95 active /muse subscribers on @hypersub